Several studies have shown how Isabel can help clinicians practice more safely by reminding them, within their workflow, of important diseases they may have not thought about. These four studies listed below focus on this theme and all show a similar result which is that in approximately 10% of cases when Isabel is used it reminds the clinician of an important disease which had not been thought about. It shows how Isabel can help clinicians practice more safely as it helps them avoid missing an important disease.
Diagnostic omission errors in acute paediatric practice: impact of a reminder system on decision-making
Diagnostic error is a significant problem in specialities characterised by diagnostic uncertainty such as primary care, emergency medicine and paediatrics. Despite wide-spread availability, computerised aids have not been shown to significantly...
Assessment of the potential impact of a reminder system on the reduction of diagnostic errors: a quasi-experimental study
Computerized decision support systems (DSS) have mainly focused on improving clinicians' diagnostic accuracy in unusual and challenging cases. However, since diagnostic omission errors may predominantly result from incomplete workup in...
Impact of a Web-based Diagnosis Reminder System on Errors of Diagnosis
A large number of medical errors can be attributed to errors in diagnosis. A diagnosis reminder system such as Isabel may lessen the risk of diagnostic error by providing a checklist of possible diagnoses. For this project, resident physicians used Isabel...
Validation of a diagnostic reminder system in emergency medicine: a multi‐centre study
Diagnostic error is a significant problem in emergency medicine, where initial clinical assessment and decision making is often based on incomplete clinical information. Traditional computerised diagnostic systems have been of limited...